Patricia Maguire
Feminist Participatory Research
Educational and Teacher Action Research
Teaching and Resources
Renu Khanna discusses PAR, Women's Health, and Gender Transformative Research in India – Episode #2 (July 13, 2022).
Click here to listen to the podcast
Cohosts: Patricia Maguire and Jessica Oddy; Production manager: Vanessa Gold
PAR – Feminist Trailblazers and Good Troublemakers Podcast Project
Marjorie Mbilinyi discusses Participatory Research and Transformative Feminism in Tanzania – Episode 1 (May 29, 2022)
Click here to listen to the podcast
Cohosts: Patricia Maguire and Jessica Oddy; Production manager: Vanessa Gold
PAR – Feminist Trailblazers and Good Troublemakers Podcast Project
Marjorie Mbilinyi discusses Participatory Action Research and Transformative Feminism in Tanzania – Episode 1 (May 29, 2022)
Podcast Transcript and Resource Materials available at
Feminist-Informed Teacher Action Research — Webinar with Patricia Maguire (March 12, 2022)
Click here to watch the YouTube Video
Remember you can skip ads and may need to adjust your volume.
Patricia Maguire with Moderator Dr Nadarajan Thambu, Malaysian Action Research Network (MARnet).
Feminist-Informed Teacher Action Research — (March 12, 2022) Powerpoint (pdf) for MARNet Webinar
Patricia Maguire discusses feminisms and participatory action research – Audio Podcast Episode 10. (June 15, 2021)
Click here to listen to the podcast
Host: Linnea Rademaker
Action Research: Global conversations with Linnea Rademaker.
Thank you to
Action Research: Global Conversations
for permission to share the Audio Podcast Episode listed above.
Feminisms and Action Research with Dr. Patricia Maguire – Audio Podcast Episode 19. (May 17, 2021)
Click here to listen to the podcast
Hosts: Adam Stieglitz and Joe Levitan
Producers: Vanessa Gold and Shikha Diwakar
The Action Research Podcast.
Thank you to
The Action Research Podcast
for permission to share the Audio Podcast Episode listed above.
PRIA-logue: Past, Present, and Future of Participatory research - a Feminist Perspective (A)
Click to play this YouTube PRIA-logue video #1 of 3
Patricia Maguire, Rajesh Tandon, Martha Farrell
Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), PRIA-logue Series, New Delhi, India.
PRIA-logue: Past, Present, and Future of Participatory research - a Feminist Perspective (B)
Click to play this YouTube PRIA-logue video #2 of 3
Patricia Maguire, Rajesh Tandon, Martha Farrell
Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), PRIA-logue Series, New Delhi, India.
PRIA-logue: Past, Present, and Future of Participatory research - a Feminist Perspective (C)
Click to play this YouTube PRIA-logue video #3 of 3
Patricia Maguire, Rajesh Tandon, Martha Farrell
Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), PRIA-logue Series, New Delhi, India.
Thank you to
Participatory Research in Asia
for permission to share the 3 PRIA-logue videos listed above.
Reading and righting: Underpinnings of feminist participatory action research
Patricia Maguire
Action Research Center, University of Cincinnati.
Challenges enacting covenantal ethics in teacher action research
Patricia Maguire
Session with Mary Brydon-Miller (convenor), David Coghlan, Rosalie Holian, Patricia Maguire, and Randy Stoecker. Covenantal Ethics for Action Research: Creating a New Strategy for Ethical Review. Presentation, 8th World Congress of Participatory Action Research and Action Learning. Melbourne, Australia. September 10, 2010.
Global networking for local action: Call to action
Patricia Maguire
Panel with Mary Brydon-Miller, Budd Hall, Namrata Jaitli, Yoland Wadsworth, Danny Burns, and Patricia Maguire. 8th World Congress of Participatory Action Research and Action Learning. Melbourne, Australia. September 10, 2010.
Teachers and students raise our voices: Using critical action research to support students
Patricia Maguire and Julie Horwitz
Panel with Julie Horwitz, Angela Curry, Rosanne Groeger, Katie Line, Chris Perez, April Simun. Discussant Patricia Maguire, AERA Annual Meeting, April 2010, Denver, Colorado.
Stone Soup – Critical action research –The fire for the collaboration pot in teacher education innovation
Julie Horwitz and Patricia Maguire
Session with Mary Brydon-Miller (Convenor), Gunilla Harnsten and Lars Holmstrand, Julie Horwitz and Patricia Maguire, Stone Soup: Using action research to create opportunities for program integration in teacher education, AERA Annual Meeting, April 2009, San Diego, California.
Stone Soup – Critical action research – The fire for the collaboration pot in teacher education innovation
Julie Horwitz and Patricia Maguire
Session with Mary Brydon-Miller (Convenor), Gunilla Harnsten and Lars Holmstrand, Julie Horwitz and Patricia Maguire, Stone Soup: Using action research to create opportunities for program integration in teacher education, AERA Annual Meeting, April 2009, San Diego, California.
Feminist-informed educational action research – Creating potentially transformative spaces for teachers and students
Patricia Maguire
Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala, Sweden, November 16-23, 2009.
Participatory action research by teachers and students: implications of two alternative high school greenhouse projects and a university teacher action research project – New York City and rural New Mexico
Patricia Maguire, Mary Lewis, Alicia Fitzpatrick & Julie Horwitz
Presentation, AERA Annual Meeting, March 26, 2008, New York City.
Varieties of practitioner inquiry – Participatory action research
Mary Brydon-Miller and Patricia Maguire
Presentation, AERA Annual Meeting, March 24, 2008, New York City.
Challenging the university – Promoting feminist-informed action research in constricting educational spaces. What happens for teachers?
Patricia Maguire
Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN) International Conference, November 10, 2007, Umeå University, Sweden.
Doing feminist participatory research: Exploring and claiming the space between agency and structure
Patricia Maguire, Gunilla Hårnsten, Lars Holmstrand
Presentation, Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN) International Conference, November 10, 2007, Umeå, Sweden.
New perspectives on praxis: Reframing the role of theory in action research – Feminisms
Patricia Maguire
Session with Mary Brydon-Miller (Chair), Patricia Maguire, Thembi Carr, Iswari Pandey, AERA Annual Meeting, April 12, 2007, Chicago, Illinois.
Boundaries & Border Crossings
Patricia Maguire
Opening of the Action Research Center, University of Cincinnati, October 10, 2006, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Revealing relationships of power in educational action research
Mary Brydon-Miller, Thembi Carr, Patricia Maguire & Michael Stanley
Presentation, AERA Annual Meeting, April 9, 2006, San Francisco, California.
Engaging teachers in action research – What happens
Patricia Maguire
Vanderbilt University Participatory Research Colloquium, January 26, 2006, Vanderbilt, Tennessee.
Action research – Reclaiming the radical. Action research and feminisms
(3 parts) (2005)
Patricia Maguire
Invited presentation, Växjö University Action Research Colloquium, Transformative Action Research for Educators Seminar, Sponsored by Education Department, Växjö University, Växjö, Sweden, June 13, 2005.
Politics of gender in the post-colonial age – Feminist and participatory research in the North and the South
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Patricia Maguire
Invited presenter, Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala University and Swedish Agriculture University, June 16, 2005, Uppsala, Sweden.
Nurturing transformative teacher action research in a teacher education program: Possibilities & tensions
Julie Horwitz and Patricia Maguire
Session: Action research in university settings: Reclaiming our radical roots. AERA, April 11, 2005 Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Creating a sustainable space to nurture teacher action researchers
Patricia Maguire and Julie Horwitz
Center for Teacher Excellence, 12th Annual Action Research Conference, June 3-5, 2004, Taos, New Mexico.
Radicalizing the everyday: Creating space for feminist-informed action research
Patricia Maguire
Featured Speaker: The Fifth Annual David Kinsey Dialogue Series. Center for International Education, UMass Amherst, Massachusetts.
Feminist-informed participatory action research
Patricia Maguire
Invited key speaker. Centre for Feminist Research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. Invited by Dr. Mona Elliason and Dr. Gunilla Härnsten.
Traveling Companions Quilt and Stories
Stories by Nimat Barazangi, Kalina Brabeck, Mary Brabeck, Mary Brydon-Miller, Jill Chrisp, Michelle Fine, Budd Hall, Brinton Lykes, Patricia Maguire, Susan McDonald, Alice McIntyre, Melinda Salazar, Anmol Santiani, Angela Shartrand, Rhoda Unger, Yoland Wadsworth.
Reclaiming the radical – Action research and participatory action research
Patricia Maguire
Keynote speaker. Waiariki Institute of Technology Action Research Conference, Rotorua, Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Feminisms and Participatory Action Research Workshop. Waiariki Institute of Technology Action Research Conference, Rotorua, Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Feminisms and the academy – Going out of business
Click to play this Vimeo video
Patricia Maguire
Keynote speaker, Cornell Participatory Action Research Network (CPARN) and Feminisms and PAR Group Conference, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
Thank you to Dr. Nimat Barazangi, PARFEM – PARticipatory FEMinism, for permission to share the video listed above. Visit PARFEM at
Bridging the gap between feminism and participatory action research
Mary Brydon-Miller, Patricia Maguire, Alice McIntyre
Bridging the Gap Conference, Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts.
E-Dialogue across distance and difference: Post-Cartagena cyber-conversations on feminisms and action research
Patricia Maguire
Stream Key Note – 5th World Congress Action Learning, Action Research, and Process Management (ALARPM) and 9th World Congress Participatory Action Research, University of Ballarat, Australia.
Present practices & experiences – Feminist action research
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Patricia Maguire
Deepening our understanding & practice: A conference on participatory development and Beyond, August 25-27, 1999, Ottawa, Canada.
From convergence to congruence: Feminist participatory research
Patricia Maguire
Convergence in Knowledge, Space, & Time, 8th World Congress on Participatory Action Research; 4th World Congress on Action Research, Action Learning and Process Management. June 1-5, 1997, Cartagena, Columbia.
From convergence to congruence: Feminist participatory research
Quality in Human Inquiry International Conference
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Patricia Maguire
Centre for Action Research in Professional Practice, University of Bath, Bath, England.
Participatory Research Summer School for Historically Black Universities
Patricia Maguire and Derek Mulenga, with Ineke Meulenberg-Buskens
Sponsored by Human Science Research Council of South Africa, Center for Research Methodology. Held at University of the Transkei, Umtata.
Participatory Research Summer School for Historically Black Universities
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Breaking another male monopoly: Feminists’ issues in participatory research
Patricia Maguire
Invited Seminar & Lecture – Graduate Colloquium Committee, Department of Leadership and Policy Studies: Northern Illinois University. Co-sponsored by NIU Women’s Studies Department.