Patricia Maguire
Feminist Participatory Research
Educational and Teacher Action Research
Teaching and Resources
~ Books ~
Laboring in the field of possibility: Teachers doing action research
Patricia Maguire (Editor) Contributors - Jessica Barton, Bonnie Benson, Sky Brosi, Michael Haight, Kathryn Leslie, Erin McGrath, Sean Ottmer, Jill Taglienti, Nicholas Van Dyk.
Gallup, New Mexico: Teacher Action Research Class.
Traveling companions: Feminism, teaching, and action research
Available from Worldcat
Mary Brydon-Miller, Patricia Maguire, Alice McIntyre
Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.
Traveling Companions Quilt and Stories
Stories by Nimat Barazangi, Kalina Brabeck, Mary Brabeck, Mary Brydon-Miller, Jill Chrisp, Michelle Fine, Budd Hall, Brinton Lykes, Patricia Maguire, Susan McDonald, Alice McIntyre, Melinda Salazar, Anmol Santiani, Angela Shartrand, Rhoda Unger, Yoland Wadsworth.
Radicalizing the everyday: Creating space for feminist-informed action research
Patricia Maguire
Fifth Annual David Kinsey Dialogue Series Monograph. Amherst, Massachusetts: Center for International Education, University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
Doing participatory research: A feminist approach
(1987, 2000 edition)
Patricia Maguire
Amherst, Massachusetts: Center for International Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Doing participatory research: A feminist approach
(1987, 2000 edition)
Getting it together … Together. A handbook for volunteer work with Battered Families Services.
Patricia Maguire
Gallup, NM: Battered Families Services.
~ Articles ~
Room 7 and a feminist participatory action research website
Available from Social Publishers Foundation website
Patricia Maguire (2021)
Considering challenges with enacting conventional ethics in teacher action research
Patricia Maguire
In S. Goff (Ed.). Chapter 22. From Theory to practice; Context in praxis. Proceedings of the 8th Action Learning, Action Research and 12th Participatory Action Research 2010 World Congress. Sydney: Sydney University Press.
Jazz and the banyan tree: Roots and riffs on participatory action research
Mary Brydon-Miller, Michael Kral, Patricia Maguire, Susan Noffke, and Anu Sabhlok
In N. Denizen & Y. Lincoln (Eds.). Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry. (pp. 347-376). SAGE.
Elbows out, arms linked: Claiming spaces for feminisms and gender equity in educational action research
Patricia Maguire and Britt-Marie Berge
In S. Noffke & B. Somekh (Eds.), Handbook of educational action research (pp. 311-319). London: SAGE.
Participatory action research: Contributions to the development of practitioner inquiry in education
Mary Brydon-Miller and Patricia Maguire
Educational Action Research 17 (1), 79-93.
The ' f ' word has everything to do with it: How feminist theories inform action research
Wendy Frisby, Patricia Maguire, Colleen Reid
Special issue - Theory in action research. Action Research 7 (1), 13-29.
Feminist participatory research
Available from Worldcat
Patricia Maguire
In A. Jaggar (Ed.). Just methods: An interdisciplinary feminist reader (pp. 417-432). Boulder, CO: Paradigm Press.
Foreword - The action research dissertation
Patricia Maguire
In K. Herr & G. Anderson. The action research dissertation. (pp. xi-xiv). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE.
Nurturing transformative teacher action research in a teacher education program: Possibilities and tensions
Patricia Maguire and Julie Horwitz
Action research in university settings: Reclaiming our radical roots. AERA, April 11, 2005 Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Reclaiming the f-word: emerging lessons from teaching about feminist-informed research
Patricia Maguire
In M. Brydon-Miller, P. Maguire, & A. McIntyre (Eds.). Traveling companions: feminism, teaching, & action research. (pp. 117-136). Westport, CT: Praeger.
Why action research?
Mary Brydon-Miller, Davydd Greenwood, Patricia Maguire
Action Research 1 (1) 9-28.
Why Action research? I have daughters; men have gender. What keeps me involved in action research?
Patricia Maguire
Questions posed to editorial and advisory board of Journal of Action Research. Action Research 1.
Commentary - Reflections on co-operative inquiry in this historic moment
Patricia Maguire
Systemic Practice and Action Research, Special Issue on Co-operative Inquiry (P. Reason Editor). 14 (1).
Uneven ground: Feminisms and action research
Patricia Maguire
In P. Reason & H. Bradbury (Eds). Handbook of action research (pp. 59-69). London: SAGE.
The Congruency thing: Transforming psychology research and pedagogy
Patricia Maguire
In D. Tolman & M. Brydon-Miller (Eds.). From subjects to subjectivities: A handbook of interpretive and participatory methods. (pp. 276-289). New York: New York University Press.
New Preface - Enduring lessons
(2000, 4th Edition)
Patricia Maguire
With New Foreward by Davydd Greenwood. In Patricia Maguire, Doing participatory research: A feminist approach. Amherst, Massachusetts: Center for International Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Proposing a more feminist participatory research: knowing and being embraced openly
Patricia Maguire
In Korrie de Koning & M. Martin (Eds). Participatory research in health: Issues and experiences. (pp. 27 – 39). London: Zed Books. Also published in Southern Africa by National Progressive Primary Health Care Network (NPPHCN), Johannesburg, South Africa.
Considering more feminist participatory research: What’s congruency got to do with it?
Patricia Maguire
Special Issue – Quality in human inquiry. Qualitative Inquiry. Y. Lincoln and P. Reason (Eds). Vol. 2 (1) pp.106-118.
Keynote - Participatory research from one feminist’s perspective
Patricia Maguire
In Korrie de Koning (Ed). Proceedings of the International Symposium on Participatory Research in Health Promotion. Liverpool, England: Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
Challenges, contradictions, and celebrations: Attempting participatory research as a doctoral student
Patricia Maguire
P. Park, M. Brydon-Miller, B, Hall, T. Jackson (Eds.). In Voices of change: Participatory research in the United States and Canada. (pp. 157-176). Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey.
Doing participatory research: Feminist approach
Patricia Maguire
Perspectives: Women of Color Issue. National Women’s Studies Association, pp. 35-38.
Women in development: An alternative analysis
Patricia Maguire
Amherst, Massachusetts: Center for International Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Women in development: An alternative analysis